Friday, February 25, 2005

Troublesome Playlist

For C's info,

Highlights of what we heard yesterday (Dead Sexy Inc. DJ Set at the Katabar):

Fat Truckers - 'Superbike' (Gigolo): the definition of synth-rock from Sheffield.

Kiko - 'Italomatic' (Kiko and the Hacker): the one I always confuse with...

Ferenc - "Yes Sir I Can Hardcore" because they are on the same cd at home*

Mick Wills - Kill Kill (Gigolo): the relentless one with the urgent synth pads on top.

*which I have been known to confuse with Volga Select's "The Unconditional Discipline of the Bastard Prince" (Output)...Argh! Enough of this po-mo cross-referencing.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Spiral Melanchol

Spirale de Tristesse

To Nowhere
Vers nulle part.
To Nowhere

An hour later I would be watching 3 Star Trek films in a row, I wish I knew why.
Une heure plus tard, je regardais Star Trek, je ne sais pas pour quoi.

downward spiral
Tendre Spirale
I need to go down.


Woozy Night

Chiennes Hi Fi
Rework (live), Lullabies and Les Putafranges
(Triptyque, Paris) 12-02-05

What remains are some hastily scribbled notes. I’ll try to decrypt the squiggles and arbitrary short hand to make sense of the night. Therefore here’s the variorum edition of my Chiennes Hi Fi Reminiscence Package in chronological order.

Putafranges’ first heat

- 1:05 a.m “Kiki Luv Sikk early airing”:
From the first quintessential b-movie harp sting, my mind was yanked out of orbit. My feet immediately followed on the empty dancefloor, which reminded me of Scorcese’s “After Hours”.

- 1:17a.m “Melancholy clap-house”:
It was different from the other Putafranges warm up sets. A few deep tracks followed each other, without being soporific thankfully.

- 1:41 a.m “Arpeggio excess”:
After the melancholy came the sequencers like little pixies biting our cheeks with their sawtooth teeth to lift us out of the previous deep house histrionics.

- 1:44 a.m “Chopping chord sequences & rimshot madness”:
The dancefloor was filled with anticipation and the martial acid disco was the right kind of discipline.

- ???“Dakar & Grinser - I wanna be your dog”:
the standard polite electro shuffle was quite out of the question. What was needed was a some unavowed and unsynchronised headbanging.

- ???“Schizo-Rock remix screamo-popcock”:
an unexpected departure here from the Putafranges by playing an electropop remix of some MTV cannon fodder. Inspired last minute choice or unforgivable mistake…you decide! I danced on with unease.

- !!!“France Copland – Pute et Mac digression”:

Finally I get to hear the first ever francophone Booty Bass track. It was about time and damn worth it too. Could Paris be the new Miami? I was recently told who was behind the twin Sarkozy masks but I forgot the names (typical).

- “This is what dreams are made of”
a dub version of the Human League’s electropop staple gives me a grin as wide as a harbour.

Rework live

- “A stern man came on and set some stern lines in motion”
this is what I wrote about one of the guys from Rework. They played some inhospitable house.

- “groove emerges from the starkness” that was a strong point of their set.

- 2:15 a.m “swooshes […] wobbles” always exciting

- “cocaine trilby pimp chic” sums up the singer’s look.

- “icy backing” they are German and signed to Playhouse, so no surprises there.

- “I love you – people stopped answering”
a very long track designed to build up crowd rapport. However 5 minutes of being told that you are loved over some teutonic beats was too much for some.

- “plinky” a neologism to describe a track called “crash test”

- 2:43 a.m “I just want you – relentless bass” nuff’ said

- “Music to dance to with a pencil behind your ear” made sense at the time.

- 2:50 “Say hey, a current affairs electric piano jingle riff”
I remember enjoying the piano loop in this track which was reminiscent of Spanish news music on the radio back in the day.

- “dainty house” will it ever exist? Rework are sometimes dainty.

- “Judicious groans and cowbells” enjoyed by everyone.

- “tuff gravel bass”
not dainty any more, at this point Rework were downright filthy.

- “Toms and stabs – Qu’est ce que tu fais là?”
without them electro wouldn’t exist. This track must have been full of them.

- Roughly 3 a.m or so “finishing off with a light pitch-shifted skiffle-shuffle ditty” seems to be all the rage these days.


No notes about her set initially because I was being accosted by several people looking for cigarettes, and at the end because I was dancing. It took her a while to find her feet but by the end she was hitting bull’s-eye track after track after track.

Putafranges closing heat.

- 4:19 probably “A woozy mood reigns”

- “Rocket Ride”
by Felix da Housecat, I presume. Back in the day, I met Melistar who worked on Kittenz and the Glitz.
- “cover -> Satisfaction”
a second-degree punk version of the Ministry of Sound’s unspeakable abomination.

- “Temporary Secretary”
a bit of a Chiennes Hi Fi standard it seems.

They also played Bloc Party and I get the impression Tom Tom Club may have got an airing too.

6.00 Snooze back home on the RER.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Leaning on Movement

Sur le RER ligne A. Moment de détente célluloïde.
Thanks and Respect to Tinycatt. A great photographer, radio presenter and cook. A man (and cat) for all seasons.

Unrequited Hiatus

Silence Radio this thing on...yep...good. Due to anxiety and laziness, I haven't been on top of things lately and updating this log has been the first casualty.

Salut...ce truc marche?...mouais...bon. Par cause d'anxiété et lâcheté, je suis un peu désorbité ces derniers temps et mon blog en a été l'une des victimes.

Coming up hopefully:
  • Chiennes Hi Fi club night transcript, feat. Les Putafranges, Rework and Lullabies.
  • Maim the Tape, Cut and Paste - making visual mixtapes
  • THX 1138 - Electronic Labyrinth.
  • Up, close and personal
  • Why Bill Hicks still rules today

Monday, February 07, 2005

Posting Comments

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5. Vous arriverez alors sur une page où vous pouvez écrire votre commentaire.

Si vous souhaitez vous identifiez faites-le dans le corps du message même.

Il y a maintenant plus d'excuse.

The Shocking Truth about Patrice Caillet (Updated)

Photos de la boum orchestrée par Patrice Caillet.
Samedi 5 février à la Galerie Corentin Hamel.

Please excuse the above title, it just sounded good. There's nothing to be worried about.
Excusez moi pour ce titre ouvertement sensationnel. Il n'y a aucune raison de s'affoler. C'était just un accès de rhétorique.

Patrice Caillet 5-Feb-05 055
I leave you to add your own comments.
Ajoutez vos propres commentaires.

Patrice Caillet 5-Feb-05 056
My duty is to faithfully capture avant-garde behaviour patterns for the interest of all.
Mon devoir est de capturer fidélement les comportements avant-gardes de l'élite culterelle parisienne pour l'érudition du monde entier.
Patrice Caillet 5-Feb-05 048
Vinyl Fever.
Jungle de Vinyl.

Patrice Caillet 5-Feb-05 058a
Vinyl Dejection.
Vinyl Déchéance.

Patrice Caillet 5-Feb-05 047
I want this bag now.
Je veux cette sacoche immédiatement.

Patrice Caillet 5-Feb-05 046
Follow V's finger.
Suivez le doigt de V.

Patrice Caillet 5-Feb-05 041
Water, water, more water, yet another bottle of water, a small bottle of some unidentified substance and ... beer, yes.
Après l' y a l'espoir.

Patrice Caillet 5-Feb-05 039

Patrice Caillet 5-Feb-05 038
Au fond, il y a toujours des restes de cigarette.

Patrice Caillet 5-Feb-05 014
It's an take a picture.
C'est une occasion. Sorry

Patrice Caillet 5-Feb-05 025
How to operate with a blown mind.
Je n'aurais pas dû boire ce qu'il y avait là dedans.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

January Shots

Palais de Tokyo n Beaubourg 003
Paris it or hate it. Sometimes it has a certain charm. Though I know certain people who find it stylistically inferior to the London Underground. I don't know how it compares to the NY subway. Views and a comparative discussion on worldwide underground railway networks welcome.
Le métro parisien...on l'aime où on le hait, mais il a un certain charme, quelquefois. Je connais certaines personnes qui le trouvent inférieur stylistiquement au métro de Londres. Vivement pour vos opinions et discussions comparatives sur les transports souterrains à travers le monde.
Palais de Tokyo n Beaubourg 006
Hedonistic Remains. Sadly, I wasn't the one who drank it.
Restes d'Hedonisme. Malheuresement elle n'était pas à moi.

Palais de Tokyo n Beaubourg 028
Vintage TV at an exhibition about Parisian Audiovisual media.
Télé vintage pour les amateurs de kitsch, elle était joliement exposé aussi.

Palais de Tokyo n Beaubourg 020a
I can't believe I actually took this picture, I am so ashamed.
Je ne peux pas croire que j'ai pris cette photo, je me sens coupable d'un crime impardonable.

Palais de Tokyo n Beaubourg 020
I am so sorry I succumbed to a tourist trap. Never again. I've done it now, done the unspeakable. I feel soiled and I seek photographic redemption.
Pourrais-je être pardonné un jour pour ce pêché photographique?

New Year's Day 024
Sometimes my head is in the clouds so my gaze goes there to. Hence it's not surprising if I often trip up.
Parfois ma tête est dans les nuages, quelquefois mes yeux aussi. Donc ce n'est pas surprenant que je me casse la figure souvent .

New Year's Day 008
La Defense conglomorate can just be made out in the background.
Le beau monstre de La Défense est visible au fond.

New Year's Day 010
Some paving rocks carefully exhibited for the enjoyment of all.
On dirait un exposition.
New Year's Day 006
Clearly the missing tree must have blocked the view.
Photo prise le jour du nouvel an.

New Year's Day 020
This photo very much describes how I felt on New Year's Day.
La photo qui décrivait mes émotions ce jour-là... c'est difficile de dire pourquoi.
New Year's Day 025
Neon, eternal neon, will thine flame flicker forever?
Neon Neon Neon Neon Neon Neon Neon Neon, yeah baby!

Palais de Tokyo n Beaubourg 005
My good friend Mr P. in the middle of the Wang Du's exhibit at the Palais de Tokyo.
Mon ami John parmis l'exposition de Wang Du au Palais de Tokyo.

Don't forget to check out the sensational story of my Clubbing Overkill earlier this month featuring Electrocute and Alden Tyrell amongst others.

N'oubliez pas la chronique sensationelle de mes aventures nocturnes, si vous ne l'avez déjà fait.