Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fetid Royale Pt.1

The Pump Rooms, Bath

The Pump Rooms is a upmarket establishment owned and operated by Bath City Council serving teas, coffee, sandwiches, savoury snacks and a selection of cakes.

Many questions arise from this image:

1 - What exactly is on display?
2 - Where does the money go? (Knowing that this is a public facility)
3 - Where does the water go?

Over the season's vacation, I went to the Pump Rooms for afternoon tea and fruit cakes with my friend Tinycatt.

After looking at the menus, We concluded that a good way of answering question (2) would be to detail how revenue is allocated item by item.

For example: Assam Tea - £2.90 (Profits go towards the upkeep of the shrubberies in the Parade Gardens)

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